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Quality and CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility is the motto of Van den Broek Logistics and Van den Broek Warehousing. It is no coincidence that we are one of the first transport companies in the Netherlands to acquire certification for MVO Prestatieladder Level 3, a national certification standard for CSR. This demonstrates that we have a management system in place that places ‘people, the environment and the community’ centre stage. This manifests itself in our day-to-day business operations, but also in special projects and campaigns that we regularly help facilitate. Frequent postings on social media testify to this. Take, for example, our partnership with AutomotiveCampusNL and the Municipality of Helmond, with whom we have a collaboration to develop projects aimed at bringing about smart mobility solutions. Check out our CSR blog!

In addition, we possess the IFS Logistics higher level certificate. By adopting working practices prescribed by this quality standard, we are able to store and transport your food and non-food products with the utmost care. And thanks to our SKAL Biocontrole certificate, we can do the same too with organic products. Neither should we forget to mention our ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

Moreover, the province of Noord-Brabant has nominated us as an ambassador of Brabants Besten: these are enterprises that excel in the field of social innovation and employership. This network of 24 ambassadors is an inspirational platform on which forward-thinking businesses can share their experience and expertise. For the province, they represent an effective sounding board for developing an economic labour market strategy. We take great pride in being a member of this illustrious club!

Meet our team

Karel van Rooij
Director and owner
Wim Hoefs
Fleet manager and insurances
Karin-Severein-e1706530721990-836x1024 (1)
Karin Severein
Human Resources
Jan Kievit
Jan Kievit